景點/Main Point of Interest:

Point Pelee National Park, Essex County, Ontario

Point Pelee National Park


其他景點/Optional Points of Interest:

*若是10⽉7⽇星期五1:00pm 前到者

*For early arrival before 1:00pm on Fri. Oct. 7th

London, Ontario:

聖保羅大教堂 St. Paul’s Cathedral

St. Paul’s Cathedral


聖彼得大教堂 St. Peter’s Cathedral Basilica London

St. Peter’s Cathedral Basilica London


加拿大皇家軍團博物館 Royal Canadian Regiment Museum

Royal Canadian Regiment Museum


住宿和享用早、午、晚餐/Accommodations and Meals:

Ramada Hotel London, Ontario



Swimming Pool




*費用包括兩晚住宿; 星期六早、午、晚餐;星期日早餐及星期六Point Pelee National Park入場及泊車費用。其他景點接受自由捐獻。
*Fees include accommodations for two nights (Fri. & Sat.), two buffet-style hot breakfasts (Sat. & Sun.), lunch and dinner on Saturday, and parking and entrance fees to Point Pelee National Park. Other attractions fees are by personal free-will donations at the locations.

雙人房/2 people per room                                                每位 $125 / person
三人房/3 people per room                                                每位  $100 / person
四人房/4 people per room                                                每位  $87 / person

*Rooms have either 1 King, 2 Queens or 2 Doubles.


*週五可選擇教會預備的簡當晚餐 (每位 $5)
*Additional optional simple home-cooked Friday dinner at $5/person.


詳情請與/For inquiries: 路梁逸明 Jenny Lu, 司徒陳靜 Sophia Szeto 聯絡.


Registration Forms
