1 – 52 of 207 items
Reaching Out to Neighbours 接觸鄰舍 (III) – Practicing the Spiritual Sense of God in Kinship of Jesus and Neighbours 在上帝和鄰舍親屬關係中操練神主導靈裏的觸覺 (13)
Blessed and Assured 存感恩往前瞻 (Psalm 詩篇 121:1-8)
You Are Blessed! 有福了!
Mastering Life, Wisely Utilizing Wisdom 掌握生命,智慧人生 (Ecclesiastes 傳道書 9:1-18; Ephesians 以弗所書 5:5-17
Celebrate the Arrival of Lord Jesus, the Captain of Rescue 慶祝主耶穌,拯救元帥,的降臨 (Hebrews 希伯來書 2:10, 1 John 約翰一書 4:9-10)
The Other Sheep 圈外的羊 (John 約翰福音 10:14-16)
Nothing is Impossible with God 在神凡事都能 (Psalm 詩篇 130; Luke 路加福音 1:26-28)
Reaching Out to Neighbours 接觸鄰舍 (III) – The Pursuit of Spiritual Kinship with Jesus Christ and Neighbours (11) 追求與主耶穌和鄰舍建立親屬 的關係 (11)
Let Us Go to the House of the Lord! 齊來,往耶和華的殿去! (Psalm 詩篇 122)
What Do You Want Me To Do For You? (Mark 馬可福音 10:46-52)
Abundant Life, Dwelling in the Presence of God 豐盛生命、主的臨在 (John 約翰福音 10:10)
Reaching Out to Neighbours (III) – Condescending Spiritually to Bless Lost Neighbours (10) 接觸鄰舍 (III) – 屬靈俯就去祝福迷失中的鄰舍 (10)
Unfortunately, the video did not work for most of the sermon.