Special Events
1 – 52 of 703 items
Reaching Out to Neighbours 接觸鄰舍 (III) – Practicing the Spiritual Sense of God in Kinship of Jesus and Neighbours 在上帝和鄰舍親屬關係中操練神主導靈裏的觸覺 (13)
Blessed and Assured 存感恩往前瞻 (Psalm 詩篇 121:1-8)
You Are Blessed! 有福了!
Mastering Life, Wisely Utilizing Wisdom 掌握生命,智慧人生 (Ecclesiastes 傳道書 9:1-18; Ephesians 以弗所書 5:5-17
Celebrate the Arrival of Lord Jesus, the Captain of Rescue 慶祝主耶穌,拯救元帥,的降臨 (Hebrews 希伯來書 2:10, 1 John 約翰一書 4:9-10)
Reaching Out to Neighbours (III) 接觸鄰舍 (III) – Attitudes and Living with the Kinship of Jesus and Neighbours (12) 與主耶穌和鄰舍作親屬的態度和生活 (12)
The Other Sheep 圈外的羊 (John 約翰福音 10:14-16)
Nothing is Impossible with God 在神凡事都能 (Psalm 詩篇 130; Luke 路加福音 1:26-28)
Reaching Out to Neighbours 接觸鄰舍 (III) – The Pursuit of Spiritual Kinship with Jesus Christ and Neighbours (11) 追求與主耶穌和鄰舍建立親屬 的關係 (11)
Making Healthy Decisions in Troubled Times 在亂世中作健康的決定 (Acts 使徒行傳 1:12-26)
Let Us Go to the House of the Lord! 齊來,往耶和華的殿去! (Psalm 詩篇 122)
What Do You Want Me To Do For You? (Mark 馬可福音 10:46-52)
Abundant Life, Dwelling in the Presence of God 豐盛生命、主的臨在 (John 約翰福音 10:10)
Reaching Out to Neighbours (III) – Condescending Spiritually to Bless Lost Neighbours (10) 接觸鄰舍 (III) – 屬靈俯就去祝福迷失中的鄰舍 (10)
Unfortunately, the video did not work for most of the sermon.