Special Events

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Joy Today and Overjoy Future in Participating the Suffering of Christ 參與基督受苦中的今天和將來臨到的喜樂 (1 Peter 彼得前書 4:17-19)

‘For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? And “If the righteous is scarcely saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?” Therefore let those who suffer […]

Do Not Be Surprised for Suffering of Faith “Among You” 不要為在你們 “中間” 信仰的苦難感到奇怪 (1 Peter 彼得前書 4:12-16)

‘Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted because of the […]

Life Amidst Different Dimensions 平衡空間的人生 (Romans 羅馬書 1:19-20; 1 Timothy 提摩太前書 2:5-6; Psalms 詩篇 27:13-14)

‘since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. ‘ Romans 1:19-20 NIV ‘For […]

In God’s Presence, How Shall We Keep Good Conscience to Suffer for Doing Good? 在上帝面前,我們該如保持無虧良心,為義行善受苦? (1 Peter 彼得前書 3:21-22)

‘and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also—not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into heaven and is at God’s right hand—with angels, authorities and powers in submission to him.’ 1 […]

Divine Goodness of Suffering, Motivation and Renewal of Our Faith 上主的為義行善受苦是我們信心動力和更新 (1 Peter 彼得前書 3:17-20)

‘For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit. After being made alive, he went […]

How Will You Be Blessing Spiritually One Another? 你們該如何在屬靈上彼此祝福? (1 Peter 彼得前書 3:8-12)

‘Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. For, “Whoever would love life and see good days must […]