Looking forward to a new year: Walking more closely with God

We will be celebrating our church’s 24th anniversary on Sunday January 21, 2024. Please invite your family and friends to come and celebrate with us on this joyous occasion. A special worship service will begin at 11:45 am followed by a hot pot lunch at 2 pm. The registration form for the hot pot is located outside the sanctuary. We encourage you to sign up so that an adequate amount of food can be prepared.
教會定於2024年1月21日(星期日)慶祝成立二􏰀四週年。誠意邀請您及您的摯愛親朋與我們一同歡渡這個神所賜的大日子。 請來參加教會早上11:45的崇拜和下午二時的火鍋午餐。火鍋報名 表格放置禮堂門外,歡迎報名參加,以便安排食物。

For details, please contact Mandy Ng (416-884-7138). Fees should be payable to Mandy Lau before January 14. Fees are non-refundable after this date.
詳情請聯絡 吳小雯(416-884-7138),費用請於1月14日前交予劉雪明。 費用於該日後恕不退還。


Lunch Cost:
Adult 成人: $10
Child 小童 (6-12 years old 歲): $10
Child 小童 (0-5 years old 歲): Free 免費

hot pot